The Blue Spring - Putaruru
The Blue Spring, Putaruru – Waikato, New Zealand is 5km North of Putaruru. The water feeding the Blue Spring is from the Mamaku Plateau. It is only a short 13km stroll to the Mamaku Plateau but it takes the water 50 to 100 years to reach the Blue Spring. The 11 degrees celsius water flows at a rate of 42,000 litres (9,240 UK gallons) per minute. Visit the Blue Spring, Putaruru at Te Waihou Walkway. It is a beautiful walk through the Waikato countryside alongside the river to the springs. You will be surprised how clear the water is – very much worth the effort of the walk. The Blue Spring at Te Waihou Walkway, New Zealand, is internationally acclaimed with water so pure it supplies around 60% of New Zealand’s bottled water.